
8 Days To Go

So I'm currently working while this certain song randomly played on Spotify.  And a flood of memories came rushing back. ++++++++ Episodes that I couldn't stop myself from crying in the darkest part of the parking lot.  Struggling to make ends meet. Juggling between jobs. Those episodes that I kept crying and praying to God. Looking back, I was able to survive. Self, I'm proud of you. Thank you for choosing to fight. 8 days to go and I can't wait to walk on that aisle.  Almost there =) Bebu, I'm proud of you too. We made it. I know DIY-ing a wedding is hardwork. But... Cheers! Can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together!


 Hello, How are you? It's been a long time, my friend. It's almost the end of 2021. A lot of things happened - both good and bad.  New learnings. New experiences. If you're one of the people who read my blog entries, you know my story. I can say that my mental health improved so much compared to last year. Awwwwweeee! I want to try this year recap and this will be fun! Let's start with: January   Check my last post before this. Hahaha! Bebu and I had dengue fever for more than a week. Ourselves regained our original strengths after a month. That was a tough experience for us. I don't want to experience that again. Ugh! February  After getting dengue, I had my wisdom tooth extracted because it was really painful. At that same day, I had a samgy double date with my sister, Cza, her BF and ofcourse, Bebu. On Valentine's, Bebu and I invited Bea, as our 3rd wheel. Bebu brought us to a fancy steak place and enjoyed the food together. March I had headaches every now an


Hi, We started the year right, but unfortunately, I got sick. We got sick. In sickness and in health? Huhu. Bebu and I got dengue. It was a traumatic experience for us. Really. It was a Friday when I felt like I'm freezing and that whole weekend, my temperature just varied from 39 to 40 degrees C. The pain that I experienced was something I thought I couldn't bear of. I thought I was going to die, honestly. After that weekend, I was able to visit the laboratory on a Monday because stand-by laboratories are closed during Sundays.  Before I got my blood tested, to be honest, I really prayed to God and surrendered everything to Him. Then, I got positive on dengue. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I couldn't understand why God made this happen. Maybe He wanted me to rest from work? For the whole week that I was sick, I thank Mama (Bebu's mom) for taking care of me. I realized a lot on that short break from work.  After a week, I was healed. Mostly. Still recovering. 


So it's my 3rd day on my terror journey dealing with my sickness. I thought I am getting better. Then trips to the bathroom became frequent. This day was the worst. I thought my end is almost near. I keep praying and praying. Every night I am sleeping alone in their spare room, but every morning I visit Anju and sleep there.  Imagine the pain during late nights with my temp rising up to 40°C and I can't tell anybody because it's already late. Since I am not at home, I can't pabebe or what. Good thing is I still can taste food, but they are all bitter or salty. When did karekare become salty? Hay. Everytime I am with Anju, I shouldn't show any signs of weakness and try my best to take care of him. But after that, I would feel dizzy. I can't go home. I don't want to go to the hospital. No one wants to take me. I will be strong to survive this. Tomorrow, I will take my blood chem. Praying for good results. That's all. Feeling sleepy. Good night.

The Last Month of 2020

201231 - The last day of 2020 and also the BEST! For this time, we moved our family "media noche" to lunch because it was hard to match our schedules. Also, we celebrated Ren's birthday. This was the best year ender! Full of fun, love and laughter!! Thank you Lord for the gift of family. It might not be a good year for us, but we still managed to survive our downs and came out stronger together. 201230 - BUKO PANDAN We made Buko Pandan Salad, in preparation for the New Year!! 201229 - Back to Biking (?) The night before, Anju challenged me if I lose 10 kilos, he will pay me PHP 5,000 as my reward. Hahahaha. So early in the morning, he cleaned our bikes and went out for a short ride in the afternoon. The last time I rode my bike was 4 years ago or less. I hope this 2021, I will spend more time biking! Then, we started watching Scarlet Heart Ryeo at last!!! 201228 - Coffeeshop Hopping With PF Yvette invited us to meet and try some of the new coffee shops in the city. I didn