
So it's my 3rd day on my terror journey dealing with my sickness. I thought I am getting better. Then trips to the bathroom became frequent. This day was the worst. I thought my end is almost near. I keep praying and praying. Every night I am sleeping alone in their spare room, but every morning I visit Anju and sleep there. 

Imagine the pain during late nights with my temp rising up to 40°C and I can't tell anybody because it's already late. Since I am not at home, I can't pabebe or what. Good thing is I still can taste food, but they are all bitter or salty. When did karekare become salty? Hay. Everytime I am with Anju, I shouldn't show any signs of weakness and try my best to take care of him. But after that, I would feel dizzy.

I can't go home. I don't want to go to the hospital. No one wants to take me. I will be strong to survive this. Tomorrow, I will take my blood chem. Praying for good results.

That's all. Feeling sleepy.

Good night.
